Leonardo Petrucci

Leonardo Petrucci was born in Grosseto in 1986.

He gratuated in 2009 at Accademia delle Belle Arti in Rome with a thesis on the relationship between art and alchemy, an area that still characterizes his research. Since 2012 he has been working in his studio at pastificio Cerere in San Lorenzo district, Rome.

His artistic research is focused on particular matters which have always fascinated the human beings. In fact, concepts like the sacred Geometry, Alchemy, the Cabala and the Astrology have mystic and symbolic properties.
The most complex, but also the most stimulating aspect is the fact of intertwining with these subjects, other contemporary and scientific disciplines as Biology, Physics, the String theory and the Astronomy. In this way, they give more truthfulness to the global vision.The technique he mainly uses is a mediation between pictorial art and the digital one, so he can melt the classic Tuscan tradition from which he comes with the computer re-elaboration.
In most cases, the result is a fusion of painting and installation art, which includes, when it is possible, every kind of natural materials like stones, glass, paper, metal overlapped to photography, video and printing on plexiglass and acetate.
His approach with the work during its realization is the same of an alchemist with the transmutation of the substance: Petrucci always put himself on the line and go to search for the impossible by achieving it with the formation of linguistic and mathematic enigmas.